accudio’s avataraccudio’s Twitter Archive—№ 5,506

      1. Found time to make some tweaks to my website! Mostly to the animated colour themes to look a bit nicer. It's now using the lab colour space for more interesting and less muddy nighttime colours (attached video). Also using Houdini custom properties for smoother transitions 1/3
    1. …in reply to @Accudio
      I've also done some long overdue accessibility tweaks, mostly improving the client-side-routing. Barba is good but misses some major stuff. This included fixing scroll restoration on back/forward which I didn't realise how much I missed...! 2/3
  1. …in reply to @Accudio
    Check out the site at Also big props to jaffathecake and DasSurma for their recent HTTP 203 on colour spaces. I knew about them but it didn't really sink in how much it would change the effect until that video! 3/3
    1. …in reply to @Accudio
      Oh and I also made it so if you change the Theme it will be remembered across sessions using localStorage. It was a day of fixing all the things that bugged me slightly! 4/3