accudio’s avataraccudio’s Twitter Archive—№ 4,854

      1. New Project! 🚀🥳 Tracking management on the web is in a bad state. Many sites have dialogs with no options, don't respect your choice or load 100+kB just to decline. I've built Cead Consent to fix that! A simple, lightweight, easy consent manager.
    1. …in reply to @Accudio
      Features: Simple — opt-in/out with very little code; Lightweight — only 3.3kB (1.9kB gzip); Flexible — bring your own HTML, simple css and fully customisable; Standalone — You can self-host, doesn't use external systems and origins; Open Source — Free to use, modify and extend!
  1. …in reply to @Accudio
    'Cead' is the Scottish Gaelic word for "Consent" or "Authorisation" and that is what is most important. Cead makes managing tracking and cookies super simple by controlling when tracking scripts and images can run using slight modifications to your tracking codes.
    1. …in reply to @Accudio
      If your site needs opt-in tracking, Cead will wait until consent is received before allowing scripts to run. For opt-out mode, once a user has declined they won't be tracked any further. This helps you meet any tracking/privacy standards and legislation very easily.
      1. …in reply to @Accudio
        Check it out and let me know what you think! I'm really excited to be sharing this, it has made implementing GDPR/CCPA consents so much easier for me and I think other devs will really benefit from it also. Docs here: