Great article here from adactio about 'the algorithm': adactio.com/journal/18117 Surveillance on the web is a scourge that targets and ruins the lives of so many, often including vulnerable people.
I know of many people who have been hounded by ads and 'recommendations' trying to capitalise on a sensitive search or an emotional event. People have stopped using the internet as 'the algorithm' was upsetting, or asked for help stopping it. I hate it. I guess I hate the web?
Finding it really hard to be happy or proud of the web as a whole nowadays. I see some of the standard practices and communities—and it makes me want to throw up. Rampant racism, sexism, ableism, white supremacy and surveillance. Privileged orgs preying on everyone they can.
I appreciate it's not everywhere, I love so many projects, developments and people in the industry. I thankfully have found myself in a company, area and group of people who seem to genuinely care. Thank you all for being rays of sunshine in the shit of modern tech.