accudio’s avataraccudio’s Twitter Archive—№ 6,041

  1. 🎉 Excited to announce a new project, Async Alpine! 🎉🚀🥳 🏔️ Adds async/lazy loading to any Alpine_JS project ⚙️ Load with strategies 'visible', 'media' and more ⚡️ Helps write small, efficient Alpine sites! Check out demo vid: The link to the repo ⬇️!
    1. …in reply to @Accudio
      The repo with getting started, more info and docs: The demo I showed off in the video: I've also recently written two blog posts: Announcing Async Alpine: The why and the how:
      1. …in reply to @Accudio
        If you're not familiar with Alpine_JS then I suggest you check it out! Alpine is a fantastic lightweight JS library that I love. Also big props to slinkitydotdev and astrodotbuild for inspiring the component loading strategies!